Managing Through Meaning

For Managers Seeking Purpose and Passion in Their Work

Unlocking Meaning and Purpose: Transforming Managers into Inspirational Leaders

In this program, managers will learn how to infuse their work with passion and purpose, nurturing connection, fulfillment, and growth.

Key Outcomes:

1. Develop a clear sense of personal meaning and purpose in their leadership role.

Program Features:

1. Weekly sessions with personalized coaching and reflective assignments.


Unlock Your Leadership Potential with Meaning

Our Managing Through Meaning program empowers entry-level managers to senior directors to infuse their work with passion and purpose. Through weekly sessions, personalized coaching, reflective assignments, and a company project, participants will develop the skills and mindset needed to lead with meaning.

Unlock Your Leadership Potential

Discover how our Managing Through Meaning program can help you infuse work with passion and purpose.